MSG (Monosodium Glutamate) Accent is a famous taste enhancer known all over the world. It was first commercially produced by a Japanse scientist in 1908 by the name of Kikunae Ikeda. He was always curious about why all chefs and cooks sprinkled a some sort seewead called Kombu. He took it to his labaratory and analyzed it, finding out that its taste was unami, meaning every taste. Therefore, whenever it is put on food, it will automatically intensify the natural flavors. Soon, he patented it, and sold it to the world. The U.S.A. first used MSG to make army rations taste better. Then, word got out about it to restaurants all over the States and all the fast- food companies started to use it. In 1940, KFC did too.
KFC sells a lot of chicken everyday. And if they do live up to their secret recipe promise, each piece of chicken will contain several herbs and spices. Therefore, to do that, it would cost a huge amount of money. So, KFC found a loophole; yes, all the pieces of chicken will contain those herbs and spices. But, there will only be a small amount placed on it yet it will taste like there is more because MSG Accent will be used to intesify the taste. That was a very great but evil idea about KFC.
MSG is the sodium salt of the amino acid glutamic acid and a form of glutamate. It is sold as a fine white crystal substance, similar in appearance to salt or sugar. MSG is so widely used, that people eat it almost everyday without noticing. The average intake of MSG per week by a person is 58 grams! Also, MSG is severe to those with pre-existing vascular disease, hypoglycemic patients, pregnant women, and people with renal or congestive heart failure. To 40% of average Americans, they react to MSG. Each reaction differs for it depends on the person's diet and physical activity. Usual reaction time is usualy 48 hours from consumption. Duration time varies. It causes headache, vomiting, diarrhea, heart rate change, stomach cramps, mood changes, fatigue, and dizziness. For some others, it causes difficulty in concentration, extreme mood swings, depression, difficulty with balance, sleep disturbances, convulsions, hyperactivity, esophageal reflux and heartburn, flushing of the skin, asthma, and swelling of the throat. MSG headaches are infamous for being more painful than a root canal. If you eat MSG often enough, you will become more and more used to it and the reactions will become minimal. Here is a picture of glutamic acid, a main ingredient of MSG Accent.